05. - 12.06.24           De

DGB Film Award

The DGB Film Award is being presented since 1998 for a feature or documentary film displaying an exceptional level of social commitment. This includes topics such as work, equality, migration and integration, globalization, environmental protection or other serious social problem scenarios. 

The DGB Film Award has a purse of € 7,000 provided by the Lower Saxony regional organization of the German Trade Union Federation DGB.

Nominated Films:

Generation Zukunft - Die Enkel des Holocaust (D 2024) by Eike Besuden Niemals allein, immer zusammen (D 2024) by Joana Georgi Striking The Palace (F 2023) by Nessim Chikhaoui The Good Teacher (F 2024) by Teddy Lussi-Modeste The Riot (N/S/LV 2023) by Nils Gaup

Previous Award Winners