05. - 12.06.24           De


Accreditation guidelines for industry delegates

Eligible for an accreditation are industry delegates and journalists for the purpose of media coverage.

1. Requirements

The application for an accreditation does not automatically guarentee an accreditation. It relies on the organiser to decide upon the approval. We kindly request to send the applications in the designated time frame. Requests without an attached current portrait picture will not be accepted.  

2. Legitimation

Please include a proof of your current activity as a film maker, industry delegate, representative of a cultural institution or festival programmer that clearly indicates your legitimation. 

An accreditation allows the pass holder the admission to all screenings and events. To avoid any inconveniences we recommend to organise your tickets in advance at our ticket counters. An entry will only be allowed in combination of your pass with a valid ticket. If a screening or event is sold out, the admission cannot be claimed.

3. Accreditation fees and deadline

The accreditation fee for industry delegates is € 30,00 and can be paid at our festival counter at the Grand Café. After the accreditation deadline we charge a processing fee of € 10,00.

Accreditation deadline is May 25, 2023.

Please note that the online application form has only been submitted successfully when you receive an automated confirmation e-mail.

If you are a media delegate please find your accreditation form here ...

Industry Delegate

Max. 2 MB ! Formate: pdf doc docx gif jpg jpeg png

Max. 2 MB ! Formate: jpg jpeg png gif tif

* mandatory field

In case of any enquiries please do not hesitate to contact us: akkreditierung@filmfest-emden.de 


We highly recommend to make your room reservation as early as possible. Please contact the tourist information:

Emden Marketing & Tourismus GmbH
Am Bahnhofsplatz 11
D-26721 Emden

Tel. +49 (0)4921.97400
Fax +49 (0)4921.97409