IRE 2022 | 96 Min. | DCP | OmU | DE International
Aoife Ni Bhraoin returns home to help her father Brendan ‘The Bear’ O’Briain recover from a heart attack. They are distant but day to day get along just fine. But as we dig a little deeper, we find that there is so much that has been left unsaid. Aoife has never grieved properly for her Mother who died when she was only sixteen. Over this summer she gets pulled back into the competitive world of rowing in Naomhóg boats traditional to the area. She lets herself become close to the three women in her crew but as the big race approaches Aoife feels an unbearable strain, years of suppressed grief and sadness, that could seriously wreck their chances of success.
Director: Declan Recks
Script: Eugene O‘Brien
Photographer: Patrick Jordan
Editor: Gareth Young
Music: Kormac
Cast: Kelly Gough, Lorcan Cranitch, Kate Nic Chonaonaigh, Kate Finegan, Rachel Feeney, Cillian Ó Gairbhí
Production company: Icebox Films – Clíona Ní Bhuachalla, Claire Wilde, TG4, Screen Ireland
World Sales: Parkland Pictures
Declan Recks
DECLAN RECKS hat diverse Produktionen für das irische Fernsehen produziert und zahlreiche nationale Film- und Fernsehpreise gewonnen. Sein jüngster Film „Tarrac“ feierte beim Internationalen Filmfest in Galway im vergangenen Juli seine umjubelte Premiere.
Filmography: Tarrac (2022), The Truth Comisioner (2016), Eden (2008)